I made me some melted cheese on toast this morning; it looked so good. I put it on a tissue and put that tissue on top of the books I was carrying so I could eat it in the car 'cause I was late for school, not that that's new or anything. So, I stepped outside the house, my mind filled with thoughts of delicious melted cheese in my mouth(you know, that unmistakable cheesy goodness) then my slice of toast gracefully slid off the top of my books and onto the floor with the utmost of innocence, cheesy side down. I let out a "Awh, what?" and peeled the toast off the ground as the cheese stubbornly stuck where it had fallen. All during which I sulked over my lost would-have-been yumminess.
I have one thing to say: GOD DAMN YOU, GRAVITY!
Monday, 31 July 2006
Friday, 28 July 2006
Feeling: Desperate
Listening to: Claudine by Maksim
On my quest to find From Autumn To Ashes' piano music, I came across Claudine; a song I've been dying to play. Hahah. Maksim played it, so maybe you've heard it. Or not. Anyway, I think it's a pretty song, and I've printed out the pages and now I can play the first 3 bars flawlessly. Hahaha. I haven't found any From Autumn To Ashes yet though, which sucks.
This is a Singaporean black metal band that I somehow forgot to mention in all my previous posts:
Listening to: Claudine by Maksim
On my quest to find From Autumn To Ashes' piano music, I came across Claudine; a song I've been dying to play. Hahah. Maksim played it, so maybe you've heard it. Or not. Anyway, I think it's a pretty song, and I've printed out the pages and now I can play the first 3 bars flawlessly. Hahaha. I haven't found any From Autumn To Ashes yet though, which sucks.
This is a Singaporean black metal band that I somehow forgot to mention in all my previous posts:
Feeling: Vulnerable
Listening to: Second Wrong Makes You Feel Right by From Autumn To Ashes
I need to learn to play the piano in this song. I'll google for the notes. :D
I'm drinking a chocolate milkshake with a spoon. Hahahahah. I forgot to get a straw when I bought it from McDonald's just now, and it's too thick to drink it out of the cup. Hmm.
There's an all-metal gig going on tomorrow night that I wouldn't mind going to. [H8], Dark Sanctuaire, Sadness In Her Eyes, and some other bands I can't remember the names of are playing. It's an invitation only thing, but I would be going if I'd given my full name and IC number to Drummy, but seeing as the gig's all the way in KB, I'd probably have no ride there and back(and we don't want to replay what happened at the July 23rd gig, ey, Hamish?). You know how these four districts seperate us. Damn you four districts!
The strangest thing happened on Wednesday night when I was sitting in my sister's car, waiting for my chili dog and strawberry banana blizzard. This white guy walked by, and since he was walking funny, all of us in the car were watching him. He passed the car, waved at my sister's boyfriend then disappeared. Then he came back and knocked on the window and said he was going to come in the car. We were all like "What?" but he just repeated the words we thought he said. And what we thought he said was that he was going to get in the car. So, he opened the backseat door and sat next to me. Then it started getting really strange. He asked what kind of drugs they have in Brunei, where do people go to 'hook up', saying there were no sex clubs or anything. Then a "People come to Brunei to get laid." passed his lips. And HAHAHA, do they really? We had more strange bits of conversation then our order came and we kicked him out of the car. The only information about him I received was that he was "a journalist from New Zealand, staying one night in Brunei before he goes to Hong Kong." Like I said, the strangest thing.
Listening to: Second Wrong Makes You Feel Right by From Autumn To Ashes
I need to learn to play the piano in this song. I'll google for the notes. :D
I'm drinking a chocolate milkshake with a spoon. Hahahahah. I forgot to get a straw when I bought it from McDonald's just now, and it's too thick to drink it out of the cup. Hmm.
There's an all-metal gig going on tomorrow night that I wouldn't mind going to. [H8], Dark Sanctuaire, Sadness In Her Eyes, and some other bands I can't remember the names of are playing. It's an invitation only thing, but I would be going if I'd given my full name and IC number to Drummy, but seeing as the gig's all the way in KB, I'd probably have no ride there and back(and we don't want to replay what happened at the July 23rd gig, ey, Hamish?). You know how these four districts seperate us. Damn you four districts!
The strangest thing happened on Wednesday night when I was sitting in my sister's car, waiting for my chili dog and strawberry banana blizzard. This white guy walked by, and since he was walking funny, all of us in the car were watching him. He passed the car, waved at my sister's boyfriend then disappeared. Then he came back and knocked on the window and said he was going to come in the car. We were all like "What?" but he just repeated the words we thought he said. And what we thought he said was that he was going to get in the car. So, he opened the backseat door and sat next to me. Then it started getting really strange. He asked what kind of drugs they have in Brunei, where do people go to 'hook up', saying there were no sex clubs or anything. Then a "People come to Brunei to get laid." passed his lips. And HAHAHA, do they really? We had more strange bits of conversation then our order came and we kicked him out of the car. The only information about him I received was that he was "a journalist from New Zealand, staying one night in Brunei before he goes to Hong Kong." Like I said, the strangest thing.
Survey #1 |
1.WHAT CURSE WORD D0 Y0U USE THE M0ST? + Hmm. Let me do some hard thinking to figure this out. It would probably be 'cow'. Yes, it's true. I nearly called my mum a cow because I've gotten so used to saying it. I was like 'No, you, cah', and then I stopped 'cause I realized what I was doing. 2. D0 YOU 0WN AN IP0D? + No. It is sinful to own an Ipod in my religion. I don't want to be sinful. 3. WH0 ON Y0UR FRIENDSTER D0 Y0U TALK T0 THE M0ST? + Farianne or Hamish. Hahaha. Who did you think I was going to say? 4. WHAT TIME IS Y0UR ALARM CL0CK SET F0R? + The bedside alarm clock that I keep at my bedside goes off at 5:50AM, and this morning, I dreamt an alarm clock was going off, and I threw it at my brother and it went off. When I woke up, my brother said "You broke the alarm clock." and I turned and saw the alarm clock on the floor. Straaaange. Enough of the bedside alarm clock. My phone alarm goes off at 5:55AM, and the stupid thing about it is, I don't wake up to any of them. HAHAH. I woke up at 7:10AM today. That means I was late for school yet again! I'm proud of myself. :] 5. H0W MANY SUITCASES D0 YOU 0WN? + I don't personally own any suitcases, so I refuse to answer this interrogative question that is a breach to my rights. 6. D0 Y0U WEAR FLIP-FL0PS WHEN IT'S C0LD? + Yep, and then I get frostbite and they have to cut off my toes. After that, they'll be able to go in a museum, like that guy they had on TV; his hands and feet are in a museum, something about frostbite. So, yes, he is my idol. 7. W0ULD Y0U RATHER TAKE THE PICTURE 0R BE IN THE PICTURE? + I don't look good in group pictures. I always end up looking stupid because I wasn't ready for the picture, or I wasn't aware of it being taken, or I'm scratching my nose, or something like that. So, please, let me take the pictures. Unless of course it's with an awesome band or a cheesy spoon, then I wouldn't mind looking stupid. :D 8. WHAT WAS THE LAST M0VIE Y0U WATCHED? + Lady In The Water, which, I'm sure you'll all agree, is an amazing movie. Slightly illogical yet strangely believable. 9. D0 ANY OF Y0UR FRIENDS HAVE CHILDREN? + Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Why, yes. I know a certain someone. 10. HAS ANY0NE EVER CALLED Y0U LAZY? + Yes. And not just anyone. A LOT OF anyones. This is also something with which I am proud of myself. :] 11. D0 YOU EVER TAKE MEDICATI0N T0 HELP Y0U FALL ASLEEP FASTER? + No. I don't care much for falling asleep faster. I can fall asleep fast enough, and when I can't, then I guess that means I shouldn't. 12. WHAT CD IS CURRENTLY IN Y0UR CD PLAYER? + I have Emery, Taking Back Sunday and my utmost favourite, From Autumn To Ashes. :D :D 13. D0 Y0U PREFER REGULAR 0R CHOCOLATE MILK? + Chocolate milk, please. Do you remember that time I was obsessed with drinking chocolate milk? No? I didn't think so. 14. HAS ANY0NE T0LD Y0U A SECRET THIS WEEK? + A secret? A real secret? No, I guess not. Is that supposed to be unusual? 15. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU HAD STARBUCKS? + In my past life, when I was a male born somewhere in the territory of modern Ukraine around the year 1775, professing as a philosopher and thinker. It was also the time when I was a timid, constrained, quiet person who had creative talents, which waited until my present life to be liberated. At times, my environment considered me strange. Hahahahaha. Click. 16. CAN Y0U WHISTLE? + I cannnn! I can also make a duck sound, an elephant-like noise, a train-like noise, and and a farting noise. Indeed, I am a girl of many talents. 17. WH0 WAS THE LAST PERS0N Y0U TALKED T0 ON THE PH0NE? + Hmmm. Hamish. Hamish. Hamish. Hamish. Hamish. Hamish. Hamish. Hamish. Yeh, that's right. Hamish. 18. D0 YOU THINK PE0PLE TALK AB0UT Y0U BEHIND YOUR BACK? + I'm sure they do. 'Cause I'm just so evil. >=] Or maybe they don't. 'Cause you know, I'm just a shadow that no one would bother talking about. Lucky meeeeee. That should count for 100 scene points. 19. DID Y0U WATCH CARTO0NS AS A CHILD? + No, I watched chess matches on TV. I watch cartoons now though; making up for lost time, you know. I was kidding, of course. I watched cartoons as a kid. I still am a kid. Sort of. 21. ARE Y0U SHY AR0UND THE 0PPOSITE SEX? + I find I'm more comfortable around the opposite sex than around the same sex. It's been that way forever, but I swear there's nothing wrong with me. Weeee. 22. WHAT M0VIE D0 YOU KNOW EVERY LINE TO? + The Lion King. Hahahaha. I love that movie. You follow Rafiki, he knows the way! 23. D0 YOU 0WN ANY BAND T-SHIRTS? + :] I'm glad to say, yes, yes, I do. From Autumn To Ashes and As I Lay Dying. That's love, my friend. ♥ 25. ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH ANYONE? + Most definitely so. Guess who it is. I'll give you some hints: he's male, lovely, ever so sweet, cheesy, spoony, 10 months younger than me, a metalhead, mine, and I said his name 9 times in this survey. 26. DO YOU DO YOUR OWN DISHES? + You know whattt, I haven't done any dishes lately. HAHAHA. Kind of strange, actually. Considering the fact that I used to always do them, despite how much I hated it. Hmm. 27. EVER CRY IN PUBLIC? + Ah, maybe once or twice. But no one ever notices. I can't cry in public. It's sad. I especially can't cry in front of people I care about, 'cause if you knew me, you'd know it's not easy for me to get out my emotions properly. 28. ARE Y0U 0N A DESKT0P COMPUTER 0R A LAP TOP? + Desktop. I have nothing else to say. 29. ARE Y0U CURRENTLY WANTING ANY PIERCINGS 0R TATTO0S? + Ooh, yes. :] Piercings AND tattoos. I won't mention what and where 'cause I've done that a thousand times and I bet you're sick of it. 30. WHATS THE WEATHER LIKE? + Gloomy. Sad. Actually, it's just Bruneian. It's like this everyday at this time. 31. W0ULD Y0U EVER DATE S0ME0NE C0VERED IN TATTO0S? + Sure would. What's wrong with people covered in tattoos? |
Tuesday, 25 July 2006
Feeling: Tired
Well, I'm a little disappointed. The gig on Sunday, the 23rd sucked.
I actually enjoyed myself, and I discovered a few good local bands, and a few really good local bands (i.e. Claws, Eqma, and D Hask). Claws were fucking amazing. All their members were excellent with their instruments(HAHAHA. Instruments). Airholes played their own songs, and it got Grenade and Hamish so excited that they carried me up on their shoulders so I could cheer for Ardy. It was great. Heehee. I also received reconfirmation who the nicest people in the band are, which is good. X] (Pictures that I didn't take of the Airholes performing can be found at click) I got to see the cowy goodness, Lynz, my fairy godmother, talor dadar and Drummy. Unexpected, but it made my night that much more better anyway.
School is scaring the fuck out of me. First trial exams start on the 14th of August, excluding the 3 practical science exams I'll have to take prior to the theory exams on the 14th. And I'm contemplating on whether I should go for my piano theory exam in October or not because October is when I'll be having my 'O' Levels. It wouldn't be so bad if my piano exam was at the beginning of the month, like single digit, but the thing is, I'm not even sure of the exact date of it. So, there's a problem. Ahhh, decisions; I hate them.
Actually, you know what. I think I'll do it. I'm going to kill two birds with one stone, if you know what I mean. Hahahaa. No, really. There are some birds outside my window.
Be sure to listen to this before you go offline, because you can bet your $1,230,972,349.34 that this band is going to make you go "Ey, they're good."
Well, I'm a little disappointed. The gig on Sunday, the 23rd sucked.
I actually enjoyed myself, and I discovered a few good local bands, and a few really good local bands (i.e. Claws, Eqma, and D Hask). Claws were fucking amazing. All their members were excellent with their instruments(HAHAHA. Instruments). Airholes played their own songs, and it got Grenade and Hamish so excited that they carried me up on their shoulders so I could cheer for Ardy. It was great. Heehee. I also received reconfirmation who the nicest people in the band are, which is good. X] (Pictures that I didn't take of the Airholes performing can be found at click) I got to see the cowy goodness, Lynz, my fairy godmother, talor dadar and Drummy. Unexpected, but it made my night that much more better anyway.
School is scaring the fuck out of me. First trial exams start on the 14th of August, excluding the 3 practical science exams I'll have to take prior to the theory exams on the 14th. And I'm contemplating on whether I should go for my piano theory exam in October or not because October is when I'll be having my 'O' Levels. It wouldn't be so bad if my piano exam was at the beginning of the month, like single digit, but the thing is, I'm not even sure of the exact date of it. So, there's a problem. Ahhh, decisions; I hate them.
Actually, you know what. I think I'll do it. I'm going to kill two birds with one stone, if you know what I mean. Hahahaa. No, really. There are some birds outside my window.
Be sure to listen to this before you go offline, because you can bet your $1,230,972,349.34 that this band is going to make you go "Ey, they're good."
Thursday, 20 July 2006
Good God, what's this? A survey? Nooooooooo.
Survey #1 |
1. Person you saw: - My brother, but he's asleep, so I don't think he saw me. 2. Talk on the phone with: - The Hamish boy. ![]() 3. Hugged: - You. I mean, him. Oh, come on. You know who. ♥ 1. What are you doing now: - Trying to get all my downloads to go on Limewire. You will see me here all day clicking 'Resume' and 'Find Sources'. 2. What are you doing tonight: - I'm supposed to be studying, 'cause you know how close my 3 sets of exams are, don't you? Well, they're next month, and the reason why I said "supposed to" instead of "going to" is because that's what's going to happen. I can't control myself. I'm a bad moose. It's my nature. Hahahahah. Yeah. 3. What did you eat for lunch: - Sleep. I ate sleeeep. 1. Got any plans: - Why, yes. Tomorrow, I'm going to TAKE OVER THE WORLD! 2. who ate this? - Ate what? OH, MY GOD! I don't know, Jesus, maybe? 3. Goal: - To not be lazy when it comes time for 'O' levels, so I can get decent grades. Hoooo, scary. I can be a nerd just like youuu. 4. Dislikes about tomorrow: - I dislike not knowing what will happen tomorrow. And the fact that the world might end tomorrow and and and that I.. 5. Do you have work? - I have a milo to make. That's work. 1.in a relationship: - :] Rephrase your words. That sentence could mean anything. I have a relationship with everyone I know, if you read the question right. Ey, ey, ey? 2. listening to: - Here Comes Everybody by Autolux. Sha la la. Let's go, let's go. Don't know what's gotten into my music taste lately. It's like. Different. 3. wearing jeans: - No. Well, kind of. They used to be jeans, then I cut off the bottom bits and made them into shorts. 4. eating: - I'm not eating. I'm fat. Isn't that right, everyone in the world stereotyped by media's formation of 'beauty'? 5. tasting: - Hamish. Hahah. No, sorry. That's me. I taste moose. 6. whats on your mind? - WHERE?! WHAT IS IT? GET IT OFF! 7. smoking? - I'm not smoking. Not even passively. That's good. Give me a pat. 8. drinking? - Noshing. Haha. I said "Noshing." 10. do you miss anyone? - Yeah, anyone's very missable. I miss you, anyone. |
Survey #2 | [001.] Change your eye color, what color would they be?: ~ Green eyes are the prettiest. [002.] Have any hair color in the world, which color? ~ I think I'd like to have a mixture of blue, purple, pink and black. HAHAHAHA. [003.] Instantly be fluent in one language, which language and why? ~ French. 'Cause it's sexy, and maybe after I've mastered the language I can acquire the even sexier English-speaking accent. :] It's the perfect plan. [004.] Instantly be able to play an instrument, which instrument and why? ~ Violin. 'Cause I don't know how to play the violin, and they make the loveliest sounds. Though all of this may have been brought on by Anne Rice and the book, Violin. [005.] Get any job in the world and be good at it too, which job would it be? ~ I'd like to be a pilot. I shot the pilot, now I'm begging you to fly this for me. [006.] Live anywhere in the world, where would it be? ~ Living in Florence, Italy, or France would be awesome. But come to think of it, Auckland, New Zealand would be great, too. I love that city. [007.] Join any band, which band would it be? ~ Right now I'm thinking of Atreyu. HAHA. Not that they'd have any use for me though. [008.] Have any superpower, what would it be and why? ~ Telekinetic, or the power to read minds. It's a real put down when you ask someone what they're thinking because they look troubled and they say "Nothing." even though their eyes question uncontrollably. [009.] Relive one of your favorite memories, which one would it be? ~ One where everyone was happy. [010.] Magically alter any aspect of your appearance without any pain whatsoever, what would you do? ~ I wouldn't mind being taller. People keep pointing out the fact that I'm shorter than them. [011.] Eliminate one bug from the planet, which one and why? ~ Cockroaches. They are evil. Flashback to the nights in Rarotonga. [012.] Bring any TV shows that went off the air back, which ones would you bring back? ~ INVADER ZIM! WHY my piggy, WHY?! I loved you, my piggy. [013.] You were president, what changes would you make to your country? ~ Well, I'll have to fix that corruption we have with authorities. Make it so that people who stand for the law are sincere and psychic, so they punish the right people, and know what's going on. Hahahahaha. :[ [014.] Could become an animal, which animal would you be? ~ A frog! Frogs are awesome. [015.] Eliminate any class from your schedule, which would it be and why? ~ Chemistry, or Add. Maths. It's a bitch. That is all. [016.] Eliminate one season, which one and why? ~ Summer. It's too God damn hot. I'm allergic to the sun. [017.] Improve one of your five senses, which one would you improve? ~ My sight. I'm nearly blind. [018.] Instantly become famous, what would you want to be famous for? ~ Taking over the world, which consequently, leads to the improvement of it. [019.] Change your name, what would you change it too? ~ Moosey. Ahahaha. I want a cool name. Like Sky. [020.] Paint your room, what colors would it be? ~ Red, and black. [021.] Be an instant millionaire, what would you do with the money? ~ Spend an unlimited amount of money in the stores mentioned in question 025. [022.] Meet any famous person, who would you meet? ~ You did say 'famous' person. So, I think I'll pick umm. uhh. you. [023.] Master one school subject, which subject would you choose and why? ~ Additional Maths. Because deep down inside, I know I want to. [024.] Visit any planet, no matter how far or how bad living conditions are, which would you visit? ~ Uranus. Hahahahahaha. Get it? Your anus? Hahahahahah. [025.] Spend an unlimited amount of money in any one store, which store would it be? ~ Hmm. It would either be a CD shop, where they sell the CDs I'd buy, or in a clothing shop. Hyahaha. [026.] Go back to one of your younger ages, what age would you be again and why? ~ When I was living in New Zealand. Though I hated it then and I wanted to grow up so bad; I didn't know it would be nothing compared to this. [027.] Get one piercing and/or tattoo without any pain, what would you get? ~ Hoho. A lip piercing and a tattoo on my wrist. |
Feeling: Him. Hahaa.
Listening to: This Flesh A Tomb by Atreyu
Llamas are cool. So, click.
Holy crap, I think I've gotten over so-called hot guys. I just don't care much for them. I never really did, it's just that now I care even less about them. Liking a person solely because they look good is stupid and irrational and actually kind of prejudice. But all of this might just be because of M&M's, 'cause you know how I am(that wasn't really supposed to be taken into account; you don't in fact know how I am, but let's just assume you do).
And I finally figured out why I never want anything for my birthday; why I don't ask people to get me things because I seriously don't know; why I don't exactly have a list of must-haves; why I don't exactly want people to get things for me, but if they do, that's awesome. It's because I've also outgrown my materialisticism, not that I ever really had any, but yeah. The things I want are not physical, all I ever really wanted was to be happy. And people say wanting emotions is silly because feelings are only temporary; happiness can shatter in an instant. Though I agree dreadfully with that statement, I can't help but ignore it right now. And if you're thinking materialistic things will bring me happiness, you're wrong, but thanks for trying. I've found truth in the saying "it's the thought that counts."
And I still love starting sentences erroriously with an 'and', if you haven't noticed. Thank you, Finding Forrester, it's all your fault.
Look what that fucker Friendster did to me:

That is just.. Mean. If you can't be your own friend, who can be? :[
Also, click on the whothehell? link on the left, I put a great picture of me up. Hahah.
And I'll never need to see the Sun again, there's enough light in your eyes to light up our little world.
Listening to: This Flesh A Tomb by Atreyu
Llamas are cool. So, click.
Holy crap, I think I've gotten over so-called hot guys. I just don't care much for them. I never really did, it's just that now I care even less about them. Liking a person solely because they look good is stupid and irrational and actually kind of prejudice. But all of this might just be because of M&M's, 'cause you know how I am(that wasn't really supposed to be taken into account; you don't in fact know how I am, but let's just assume you do).
And I finally figured out why I never want anything for my birthday; why I don't ask people to get me things because I seriously don't know; why I don't exactly have a list of must-haves; why I don't exactly want people to get things for me, but if they do, that's awesome. It's because I've also outgrown my materialisticism, not that I ever really had any, but yeah. The things I want are not physical, all I ever really wanted was to be happy. And people say wanting emotions is silly because feelings are only temporary; happiness can shatter in an instant. Though I agree dreadfully with that statement, I can't help but ignore it right now. And if you're thinking materialistic things will bring me happiness, you're wrong, but thanks for trying. I've found truth in the saying "it's the thought that counts."
And I still love starting sentences erroriously with an 'and', if you haven't noticed. Thank you, Finding Forrester, it's all your fault.
Look what that fucker Friendster did to me:

That is just.. Mean. If you can't be your own friend, who can be? :[
Also, click on the whothehell? link on the left, I put a great picture of me up. Hahah.
And I'll never need to see the Sun again, there's enough light in your eyes to light up our little world.
Monday, 17 July 2006
Feeling: Clean
Listening to: My Epiphany On The Rebound by Airholes
I'm falling in love with the bits of piano in this song. Heehee.
I'll let you in on a little secret. There's a gig on the 23rd at Taman Jubilee, where ever the hell that is, and bands like Airholes, Eqma, Claws, Hikari 8 and uhh... Visions 13 *cough. will be playing. And that isn't really a secret but hehehe.
You know what's annoying? Or 'who', to be precise? No, you don't, so I'll tell you. Those Goddamn people on the table next to me when I was extremely busy trying to watch my brother eat. They were apparently on some kind of lame date. You know, those annoying ones where the guy's lines are too cheesy to believe and the girl giggles uncontrollably like a dumbass, and they talk and giggle so loud the whole country can overhear their stupid conversation that didn't really have any intellectual side to it at all. They were literally like this:
Him: Where were you sitting?
Her: On a chair. Heheheehehehee.
Him: Sitting on chairs is like the 'in' thing now.
Her: Yeah, it's the trend. Eheheheeheheheheeheh.
Him: Did you cut your hair?
Her: No. Heheheehehehehehehe.
Him: Did you straighten it?
Her: No. Eheheheheheheeeeeeeheheh.
Him: Then it must be the shampoo.
Her: Aheheeheehehehe. Yeah.
Guess who's mine. Come on, gueessss. ;D
Listening to: My Epiphany On The Rebound by Airholes
I'm falling in love with the bits of piano in this song. Heehee.
I'll let you in on a little secret. There's a gig on the 23rd at Taman Jubilee, where ever the hell that is, and bands like Airholes, Eqma, Claws, Hikari 8 and uhh... Visions 13 *cough. will be playing. And that isn't really a secret but hehehe.
You know what's annoying? Or 'who', to be precise? No, you don't, so I'll tell you. Those Goddamn people on the table next to me when I was extremely busy trying to watch my brother eat. They were apparently on some kind of lame date. You know, those annoying ones where the guy's lines are too cheesy to believe and the girl giggles uncontrollably like a dumbass, and they talk and giggle so loud the whole country can overhear their stupid conversation that didn't really have any intellectual side to it at all. They were literally like this:
Him: Where were you sitting?
Her: On a chair. Heheheehehehee.
Him: Sitting on chairs is like the 'in' thing now.
Her: Yeah, it's the trend. Eheheheeheheheheeheh.
Him: Did you cut your hair?
Her: No. Heheheehehehehehehe.
Him: Did you straighten it?
Her: No. Eheheheheheheeeeeeeheheh.
Him: Then it must be the shampoo.
Her: Aheheeheehehehe. Yeah.
Guess who's mine. Come on, gueessss. ;D
Wednesday, 12 July 2006
Survey #1 |
# Are you wearing a necklace? ** No. I should be wearing one though, but I can't exactly remember where I put it. :D # Does your computer have a mouse? ** I don't exactly own a computer. It's not mine. It's everyone's. XD If you're talking about that one, then yes, it has a mouse. A huge white fluffy one with a long tail and red eyes. Scary. # Do you like school? ** I don't exactly hate school, but then again, I kind of do. So, maybe not. # What color is your shirt? ** I'm not exactly wearing a shirt. HAHAHAHA. Okay, I am. It's white. I'm still in my school uniform, kay. # How many bedrooms do you have in your house? ** 5. However, one is not in use because God knows why, and I don't exactly use my bedroom for sleeping nowadays because the air-con's broken and I just sleep on the couch 'cause it's better and it reminds me of the slumber parties I never had. :] # What song are you listening to? ** Ex's And Oh's by Atreyu. That's the song that's playing at this exact moment. # What was the last mall you've been to? ** The Mall. And that just sounded really gay. I told you right from the beginning that it was a stupid name. Now, look what's happened. Exactly. # Are you alone? ** What exactly do you mean? I'm not alone in this room, but inside I'm dying. HAHA. I lied. I'm not alone. I've got M&M's. :] # Do you have any older siblings? ** Why, yes, yes I do. Exactly 1 older sister, 1 older halfbrother, 2 older stepsisters and 1 older stepbrother. There you go. # What is the last thing you ate? ** Omelette from Matadoe. I didn't exactly enjoy it. I had lasagne before that though, I didn't really enjoy that either, so why I told you about my lasagne, I don't know. # Who was the last person to come over to your house? ** The relatives. Nearly exactly 4-year-old Cynthia, Benji, uncle and aunty. # Who was the last person to call you? ** It was Hamish that night I was moody 'cause my uterus started bleeding. Ngahahaha. K. I'm getting tired of trying to find a way to have the word 'exactly' in every sentence. # Who was the last person who texted you? ** My mummy. :D When I read it, the information was obsolete, so it meant nothing. Just a little elboration 'cause just typing 'My mummy' would be boring. # What time is it? ** 1602 hours according to this computer's clock. # What should you be doing? ** Studying's what I should be doing, but how often do we do what we should be doing? # Who is the last person you msned? ** It was a mixture of Dee, Sham, and Jeff. I'll just say 'Dee'. Dee. # Did you go out to eat yesterday? ** No. Eeeeeeeeeeee. Sorry. The 'no' looked kind of lonely, so I gave it a friend. :D # What are you thinking about right now? ** The Used, which makes me think of Quinn, which makes me think of Bert, which makes me think of them kissing, which makes me think of Hamish. HAHAHAH. # What color are your pants? ** I have black pants, but I'm not wearing them. # What color is your keyboard? ** As I have explained before, I do not really own a computer. So, therefore, the keyboard is not exactly mine. This question is unanswerable. # What do you feel like eating/drinking? ** You. HEHEHE. ^_^ # Are you in college? ** Nope, I'm in a really comfy chair that moves too much. Not in college. # What is the last word you wrote on paper? ** It was '4R'. We were ordering the class photos today, and that's the size I wanted. #What is the last word your friend wrote on paper? ** How the hell should I know? :] Your friend, what was the last word you wrote on paper? # Are you bored? ** Neh. I'm just sleepy. # How many teeth do you have? ** I'd count them for you, but I don't want to. # Do you wear glasses? ** No, I drink out of them. XD # What color are your shoes? ** I've got black shoes, white shoes... and that's kind of it. #What is the brand of your shoes? ** You're such a capitalist. I'm not answering this question. # Last thing you drank? ** Pull tea. Hahahahahahahahaha. That's right. # Who do you love? ** All my children, animals, and him. # What are you doing right now? ** Staring at the screen, watching the little numbers on the clock change, and typing at the same time. Oh, my God, I can multi-task. I'm amazing. # What are you looking at now? ** I'm trying to find my house, like Hakim found his, via satellite, but it's too hard and this mouse is hard to control. :[ Can you help me find it? # What's the last words you said? ** "Fine." :D Someone asked how I was, and this is my automatic answer. # Do you have lip gloss on? ** No, do you want me to? # Do you have eyeliner on? ** No, do you want me to? # Did you realize there was no question number 36? But this survey's questions aren't numbered. HAHA! I got you there. # Do you have an injury (cut, bruise, bump, etc.) anywhere on your body? ** I have two ugly scars on my left knee, one of them is still pink, but scars don't count. Hahah. Ooh, and I have a scratch on my arm. # Where is your cell phone? ** There. Next to the speaker. On the table. # Do you like someone right now? ** No. HAHAAHAAA. Okay, I guess I lied again. I do like someone, don't I? :] |
Survey #2 | SEVEN THINGS IN YOUR ROOM 1. Queen-sized bed that you will never get a chance to sit on. 2. Posters of random people I've never met before. 3. Books. Oh, so many books that probably mean nothing now. 4. CDs by bands/people I either love or dislike. 5. Pictures of memories I wish to forget or remember forever. 6. Empty bottles of scotch and vodka. 7. Clothe-covered chair. :] It's my masterpiece. SEVEN THINGS YOU CANT LIVE WITHOUT 1. My sanctuary the rest of the world calls 'music'. 2. Love, love, love. L-l-love, l-l-love makes the world go round. 3. Mint flavoured ice cream with chocolate chips. 4. Hugs and kisses. 5. The beautiful people in and out of my life. 6. Him, that guy right there. 7. I almost forgot the most important thing of all; chocolate. M&M's to be precise. SEVEN THINGS YOU ALWAYS SAY 1. Goddammit. 2. I don't know. 3. Bloody hell. 4. Pukimak. 5. Mayyyyybe. 6. Eeeeeeeee. 7. Grr. (Mustn't forget the most significant word in Moose terminology) SEVEN OTHER THINGS: DO YOU smoke? - Too often, but only passively because I have no choice. I'm stubborn and too ignorant to care, and so badass, don't you agree? :D Send short messages? - Short messages? What the hell kind of question is that? What short messages? Read the newspaper? - Well, yes. When I remember, am bored or have nothing better to do. Pray? - I used to pray everytime I needed something, then it changed to me praying just to ask God how he is. Now I don't pray because when I do, what I pray for doesn't happen, and I don't want to jinx myself, so I just don't pray for selfish reasons. Study? - I am a student, and though some of you may think I only pretend to study, I actually do study sometimes. Astonishing, isn't it? Like window shopping? - I do it all the time. I've got too many wants and too little money. Wish on stars? - I do it for fun, when I really want something, or if the star looks especially pretty. Hahaha. What a freak. HAVE YOU EVER Gone for a date? - Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Traveled alone? - Well, no, actually. Which is kind of weird. I'm a little bit insecure and dependant. Swam in the dark? - Yes. Can't remember why. Gone to a party? - Hyahaha. Is it just me or is this survey asking really lame questions? NO, I HAVEN'T GONE TO ANYTHING THAT CAME SLIGHTLY CLOSE TO BEING A PARTY IN MY ENTIRE SHORT LIFE. Ran away from home? - I've crawled away. But then I crawled straight back, cause of that dependency and insecurity problem. Felt depressed? - What the hell kind of person would answer that they've never been depressed? Man, this survey sucks ass. Felt lonely? - AHHHHHH. Who comes up with these questions? He/She should be shot in the head and left to bleed on the road where he/she'll get run over by monster trucks repeatedly then eaten by chipmunks. SEVEN LAST THINGS LAST 24 HOURS CRIED? - I kind of teared after I took out my contact lenses just now. Does that count? SANG? - Yes, you cowfuck. FELT STUPID? - I feel stupid everyday. It is the essence of me. The moose is stupid. FELT ANGRY? - No. :] I'm actually a bit proud of that. TALKED TO AN EX? - No ex is worth talking to, and the ones that are don't want to talk to me. Oh, so sad. MISSED SOMEONE? - Very much. HUGGED SOMEONE? - Yes. Lucky me. KISSED SOMEONE? - Yes. Lucky, lucky me. :D |
Monday, 10 July 2006
Feeling: Stupid
Listening to: Six Weeks And I'm Still A Size 'M' by Airholes
I've managed to record all the Airholes songs available on Purevolume. I'm so cool. Having said that, I'm not so cool because I forgot to mention that they're playing in Singapore on the 15th, and they've got more songs on Purevolume now. Woopdeedoo~ (Just imagine all the scene points I'm getting because I'm talking about a local band. That's like plus plus plus.)
I forgot to bring my shoes that I was going to wear to tuition with me this morning, and because of that, I was contemplating on going barefoot. Hahahaha.
You know whatttttt....
Atreyu make pretty lyrics, but you probably already knew that.
This Flesh A Tomb by Atreyu
I feel eyelashes on my cheek,
and they lacerate my flesh;
a pain so good.
Put your hand in mine.
Never let go;
never wake up 'cause I'm done with promises.
I'm taking blood oaths;
feels likes you could kiss my imperfections,
my imperfections away.
And I would stand, stand by your side
until the sun turns the sky
all the colors I see in your eyes.
I'll never need to see the sun again,
there's enough light in your eyes to light up our little world.
So, take me, take me away.
Kill me slowly, I'll never be the same.
I swear to you, on everything I am.
And I dedicate to you all that I have.
And I promise you that I will stand right by your side
forever and always until the day I die.
The bite marks on my neck never felt so good.
I'm losing control and it's all that I can do;
not to blackout and fall into lust with you.
Your kisses infect me;
the dark gift is loving you.
And I feel immortal and I want to make you feel the same.
So, stand by me as we immolate.
We can burn in each other's arms.
This can be our song. It's so sweet. X] And umm. The bite marks on my neck never felt so good.
Listening to: Six Weeks And I'm Still A Size 'M' by Airholes
I've managed to record all the Airholes songs available on Purevolume. I'm so cool. Having said that, I'm not so cool because I forgot to mention that they're playing in Singapore on the 15th, and they've got more songs on Purevolume now. Woopdeedoo~ (Just imagine all the scene points I'm getting because I'm talking about a local band. That's like plus plus plus.)
I forgot to bring my shoes that I was going to wear to tuition with me this morning, and because of that, I was contemplating on going barefoot. Hahahaha.
You know whatttttt....
Atreyu make pretty lyrics, but you probably already knew that.
I feel eyelashes on my cheek,
and they lacerate my flesh;
a pain so good.
Put your hand in mine.
Never let go;
never wake up 'cause I'm done with promises.
I'm taking blood oaths;
feels likes you could kiss my imperfections,
my imperfections away.
And I would stand, stand by your side
until the sun turns the sky
all the colors I see in your eyes.
I'll never need to see the sun again,
there's enough light in your eyes to light up our little world.
So, take me, take me away.
Kill me slowly, I'll never be the same.
I swear to you, on everything I am.
And I dedicate to you all that I have.
And I promise you that I will stand right by your side
forever and always until the day I die.
The bite marks on my neck never felt so good.
I'm losing control and it's all that I can do;
not to blackout and fall into lust with you.
Your kisses infect me;
the dark gift is loving you.
And I feel immortal and I want to make you feel the same.
So, stand by me as we immolate.
We can burn in each other's arms.
This can be our song. It's so sweet. X] And umm. The bite marks on my neck never felt so good.
Friday, 7 July 2006
Thursday, 6 July 2006
Feeling: Tired
Listening to: The Only Mark We Can Leave by Farsighted
The Truth Of It All
Though my words, they sting,
they are enveloped with fear;
unsweetened by the pure sense of defeat.
A poison-coated tragedy
that I cannot shake away,
and it seems misery is my loving destiny.
I want to believe it will get better,
but reality says it won't -
the reason my smile is all but broken and bruised.
Life is severly rationed,
seeding doubt as if a rose;
conforming to an immoral dream.
My emotions are a trying failure;
elusive and imaginary;
a groundless excuse to breed hate.
The bitter anger I carry,
it burns me deep inside,
bearing ugly yet magnificant scars.
The road ahead is cold and forbidding,
seething with unidentified faces.
Unforgiving blood freezes in my veins,
and I question pretty strangers:
what have I become?
I am nothing in my eyes, if not lost.
I wrote that sometime last week. I like the lines in bold the best; it's as if those three lines could be the whole poem if they wanted.
So I finally figured out what was so slightly significant about the 3rd of July. I turned 16 on that day, and really, I don't have much to say about it, except maybe "Thank you to everyone who helped make me feel even the littlest bit better about getting old." I'm not going to say that. I'd love to, 'cause I am grateful, but, to me, it just sounds really impersonal and insincere; saying thank you to everyone. If you think you did good on my birthday, and if I let you know you did good, then chances are, you did good. So, thank you. Enough said. XD
I made myself a sandwich for lunch and the meat I put in it smelt kind of funny. It was an unopened package thing, and the expiration date said 30th June 2006. I wonder if it will make me sick.
OH! And Flaming Hot Crunchy Cheetos are so fucking good. This is love, I swear.
And just forget about that little paragraph in the previous post that explains why I don't like two-facedness, 'cause I'm a hyporcrite and discovered I do that, too. I guess I'm a fucking bastard as well, ey.
Listening to: The Only Mark We Can Leave by Farsighted
Though my words, they sting,
they are enveloped with fear;
unsweetened by the pure sense of defeat.
A poison-coated tragedy
that I cannot shake away,
and it seems misery is my loving destiny.
I want to believe it will get better,
but reality says it won't -
the reason my smile is all but broken and bruised.
Life is severly rationed,
seeding doubt as if a rose;
conforming to an immoral dream.
My emotions are a trying failure;
elusive and imaginary;
a groundless excuse to breed hate.
The bitter anger I carry,
it burns me deep inside,
bearing ugly yet magnificant scars.
The road ahead is cold and forbidding,
seething with unidentified faces.
Unforgiving blood freezes in my veins,
and I question pretty strangers:
what have I become?
I am nothing in my eyes, if not lost.
I wrote that sometime last week. I like the lines in bold the best; it's as if those three lines could be the whole poem if they wanted.
So I finally figured out what was so slightly significant about the 3rd of July. I turned 16 on that day, and really, I don't have much to say about it, except maybe "Thank you to everyone who helped make me feel even the littlest bit better about getting old." I'm not going to say that. I'd love to, 'cause I am grateful, but, to me, it just sounds really impersonal and insincere; saying thank you to everyone. If you think you did good on my birthday, and if I let you know you did good, then chances are, you did good. So, thank you. Enough said. XD
I made myself a sandwich for lunch and the meat I put in it smelt kind of funny. It was an unopened package thing, and the expiration date said 30th June 2006. I wonder if it will make me sick.
OH! And Flaming Hot Crunchy Cheetos are so fucking good. This is love, I swear.
And just forget about that little paragraph in the previous post that explains why I don't like two-facedness, 'cause I'm a hyporcrite and discovered I do that, too. I guess I'm a fucking bastard as well, ey.
Sunday, 2 July 2006
Feeling: Thirsty
Listening to: Kau Pikir Kaulah Segalanya by Edane
Apparently, I nearly died last night, and apparently, I got some people worried because apparently I drank too much and started hyperventilating, shivering, sweating, feeling thirsty and hot, and having fits, all at the same time. Apparently, that's never happened before so it was really weird, but apparently, thanks to my lovely immunity to hangovers, I was fine in the morning. HEEHEE. Hamish is a darling. ♥
I typed 'apparently' 5 times in the previous paragraph; that's awesome.
There's one thing I don't understand. Why do people have to be so two-faced? How can you act like you're someone's friend in front of them, and then talk about how much they suck behind their backs? It's not nice. And it makes me question people's credibility. I hate it when you really want to trust people, but you know you can't. Even though you really want to. That, my friend, is enough to drive a person crazy. Fucking bastards.
Anyway, what date is tomorrow? Think, people, think. I need your help. I have the strongest feeling that there's something slightly significant about tomorrow. Just slightly, though. If I find out what it is, I'll let you know, but if you find out before me, you let me know, alright? ;D
Listening to: Kau Pikir Kaulah Segalanya by Edane
Apparently, I nearly died last night, and apparently, I got some people worried because apparently I drank too much and started hyperventilating, shivering, sweating, feeling thirsty and hot, and having fits, all at the same time. Apparently, that's never happened before so it was really weird, but apparently, thanks to my lovely immunity to hangovers, I was fine in the morning. HEEHEE. Hamish is a darling. ♥
I typed 'apparently' 5 times in the previous paragraph; that's awesome.
There's one thing I don't understand. Why do people have to be so two-faced? How can you act like you're someone's friend in front of them, and then talk about how much they suck behind their backs? It's not nice. And it makes me question people's credibility. I hate it when you really want to trust people, but you know you can't. Even though you really want to. That, my friend, is enough to drive a person crazy. Fucking bastards.
Anyway, what date is tomorrow? Think, people, think. I need your help. I have the strongest feeling that there's something slightly significant about tomorrow. Just slightly, though. If I find out what it is, I'll let you know, but if you find out before me, you let me know, alright? ;D
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