I wrote something. :)
Hello, little girl.
It’s been quite a while
since I last saw you
and that crooked smile.
Where did you wander off to?
Were you in hiding,
or did you get lost?
Did something scare you?
Were you double crossed?
Is it my fault you vanished?
Did I push too hard
and too far away?
If I’d listened more,
would you have stayed?
...Or did I simply forget?
Were you always there,
waiting quietly,
wanting to come home —
or to be set free?
Is it too late to forgive?
Can we start again,
another good try?
Can we still be friends,
us both: you and I?
I should’ve realised sooner.
I miss you, sweet girl;
but hey, I’m here now.
I’m sorry I failed.
Will you show me how?