Friday, 30 September 2011

Listening to: Blackbirds by Erin McKeown

Loving a robot. A beautiful robot.

You've got me choking back tears while you try to oil your rusty parts.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Feeling: Sick

When something tragic happens to a friend, a relative, or even just an acquaintance, why do some people think that a Facebook wall post is an adequate way of expressing their supposed compassion? Because it sure seems like these kind of posts offering condolences only exist for show - as if you win a prize for being the first person to post and being the first to tell the story to stalker-friendly Facebook.

The thing is, an equally, if not more, meaningful message could have been conveyed privately (that is what the inbox is for, you know), and then you wouldn't have to worry about what other wall-passers may think (which I'm sure is a huge influence on how our wall posts turn out). Plus, I'm pretty sure if the affected wanted everyone on the internet to know about the vulnerable state s/he is currently in, s/he would have posted it on Facebook themselves.

If you really want to let a loved one know you are sorry about their loss, why don't you take the god damn time out of your freakishly busy life to write them an intimate, personal message that shows you really care?

A wall post on Facebook is just too convenient.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Feeling: Hungry
Listening to: Boa by Pegasus Bridge

I guess I've been rather busy since I arrived in Brunei, but it's been nice, for the most part.
  1. I basically lived at the hospital for a month because my infamous grandmother fell over and broke her hip (she finally came home).
  2. She's been officially diagnosed with schizophrenia and is now mostly immobile but still kinda loopy (she called my aunt a hornbill last night, it was really funny but I think you had to be there).
  3. I had a job interview with QAF Holdings which progressed into a second job interview with Brunei Press (after which they hired me, of course).
  4. And also spent two nights at Merarap Hot Springs (we had to take the coach back to Brunei from Lawas because the ferry wasn't working!).
  5. Was forced to roam the untamed Bruneian jungle against my will for a total of about 12 hours (including in the rain, while lost, and in pain).
  6. Babysat, babysat, babysat and babysat my naughty but too cute nieces (this can be really tiring and at times, frustrating).
  7. Been called "Mummy", "Mum", "Kakak", and "Daddy" many times by little Tameera, but never "Aunty Sue" (she's so confused, I love it).
  8. Went to my first day of work which I was extremely nervous about (I'm going to finish my second week today).
  9. Until then, I helped my mum with her businessy things.
  10. Made many attempts to take my nieces to the morning dentist (with success on the third try).
  11. Watched my estranged family come together again in a beautiful way I didn't imagine could happen.
  12. Ate lots of yummy food, and visited a decent but not extravagant number of houses for Aidilfitri (I made $10).
  13. Tried desperately to close my HSBC account in the UK (it's really complicated and annoying, but they finally closed it on the 26th of August).
  14. Had amazing, eye-opening conversations with people I love.
On top of that, my cousin is getting married today. I didn't make it to the wedding ceremony (because, you know, I'm a working lady now and stuff), but there's lunch and reception to look forward to. Plus the tea ceremony (Newlyweds are meant to give unmarried younger-thans red packets, so I better practice my tea-carrying skills).

I've still got lots to do though (GRE, university applications, fee-paying, license-taking, among others). So, although I can't guarantee a massive flow of steady updates, you know I always try. :]