Feeling: Hungry
Just got back from a spontaneous and half-price plus free EP Glassjaw and Napalm Death concert. My ears are still ringing. It was good. Daryl Palumbo has such stage presence.
I apparently don't learn from my mistakes because for the whole show, I was holding in my need to urinate (A similar occurrence happened at the Anberlin concert). I even had to reject the water they gave out at intermission despite my thirst for fear my bladder would burst.
I think I shall listen to Glassjaw for the rest of the week.
Days remaining (a): 11
Days remaining (b): 11
Days remaining (c): 15
(a) Spanish Language 'B' oral exam
(b) Spanish Language 'B' listening exam
(c) Submit 3,000 word Spin Unspun porftolio