Monday, 31 January 2011

Feeling: Hungry

Holy macaroni! In a matter of two and a half hours, I got nearly 200 responses. There were so many coming in at once, it was crazy and overwhelming and lovely. :D

In a completely (or not at all) unrelated change of topic, I love The Student Room.

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Feeling: Exhausted
Listening to: The Big Bang Theory by Barenaked Ladies

I am now desperate.

Hi, readers. *Dusts off cobwebs.

If you don't already know, I have decided to torture myself with the excruciating task of writing a 12,000 word dissertation on teen viewers' attitudes towards the sexual content on Skins. However, things have been going rather slowly, and deadlines are looming, and it's come to the point where I need your help. If you are 16-19 years old and watch Skins (UK as opposed to US), please consider taking my survey. If you know someone who matches this description, please consider directing them to my survey. It's a mere 10 questions long (or 12 if you count 'Age' and 'Gender' as questions), so it really will only take a few minutes. In case you didn't catch that, this is my survey.

Once I publish this, I'll add a counter to the sidebar over there -> to let you know how many responses I've gotten so far, and how many more I need (I do not have many at all). To try to make this a bit more fun than it sounds. :D 'Cause counting is fun. Ask Count von Count. He likes it.

Count von Count

If you help me, maaaaaaaaybe I'll start updating more frequently (ha ha). Or maaaaaaaybe I'll give you a hug. Actually, the hug is a given. If you get my survey answered, you will receive one hug. The more surveys, the more hugs! Talk about incentive! :D

Thursday, 20 January 2011

I've still got another week and a half until classes start, so I am trying to be productive. Trying.

...Anyway, I made a list. Of stuff.
  1. Went to Berlin, without knowing any German.
  2. Learned so much history and gained lots of respect for this little city.
  3. Randomly stumbled onto the red carpet of the premiere for Morning Glory. It was so random. I did not know what was going on, but I got to see Harrison Ford and Rachel McAdams walk around and look pretty.
  4. Ate as many kinds of sausages as I could. They are called 'wurst' in German, and they truly are yummy in your tummy.
  5. Noticed the Germans enjoy consuming apple juice spritzers, muesli, and nuts.
  6. Went to Paris, without knowing any French.
  7. Did not like it as much as I liked Berlin.
  8. Had the best croissant ever at the patisserie by our apartment.
  9. Did not find any frog legs, caviar, or escargot on any menu. I was not sure if I wanted to try any, so it's okay.
  10. Noticed the French enjoy consuming wine, cheese, and preserved duck.
  11. Discovered this company called Sandeman's New Europe that does really good, free, English-speaking walking tours of some European cities (like Berlin and Paris).
Feeling: Worn Out
Listening to: Dog Days Are Over by Florence And The Machine

It has been a while, internet. How are you? Don't answer that.

I have some things to say, so I made a list.

Just kidding. There is no list. I don't know how to put these thoughts into words. So. Um. Hi. *Waves.

I have been away in Ludlow, then London, then Cardiff, then Berlin, then Paris, then London, and now I'm back in Cardiff, only to disappear to London, then Barcelona, then London, then Cardiff in a couple of weeks. To be fair, I only go to London for the airport, so that doesn't really count, I guess.

I'll make that list in the next post. Maybe.

And I shall end things with a rather long quote from a TV show:
"It’s the way people try not to change that’s unnatural. The way we cling to what things were instead of letting them be what they are. The way we cling to old memories instead of forming new ones. The way we insist on believing, despite every scientific indication, that anything in this lifetime is permanent." - Merideth Grey on Grey's Anatomy
Okay. I'm not done yet.

May I just say that 2010 was an eventful year for me. May 2011 be just as, if not more, amazing. For all of us. Come on, universe. :]

To be honest, I don't feel like posting. I want to disappear some more. It was clarifying. Oh, well. *Shrugs.

Also, here's a link to an article entitled 'Smoking "causes damage in minutes", US experts claim'. I thought it was interesting.