Sunday, 9 May 2010

Feeling: Groovy

fem·i·nism  [fem-uh-niz-uhm]
  1. the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.
I am so sick of all the negative connotations people glue to feminism. Feminism is about equality. Why do you people make it seem so wrong to want equality?! If I haven't misjudged the fundamentals of a democratic society, everyone should be a feminist. Now, pull your head out of your ass, and stop portraying feminism as a female supremacy cult!

P.S. I miss my mum.

Days remaining (a): 1
Days remaining (b): 1
Days remaining (c): 2

(a) History of Old Media essay
(b) History of Old Media project
(c) Media Activism and Social Change essay

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Feeling: Kaplonk

My arm feels weird. I think it's going to fall off.

*Sighs. The price I pay for immunity to Insert random disease here.

Sleepy, sleepy. Hehehehehegehegehe. *Snores.

Days remaining (a): 3
Days remaining (b): 4
Days remaining (c): 4
Days remaining (d): 8
Days remaining (e): 8
Days remaining (f): 9

(a) Mass Media and Society exam
(b) Communication and Persuasion essay
(c) Communication and Persuasion presentation
(d) History of Old Media essay
(e) History of Old Media project
(f) Media Activism and Social Change essay

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Feeling: Thoughtful

Is there any point in trying to be good?

Can you actually "be the change you want to see in the world"?

Is there nothing more you can do than think about yourself?

The hope I have for everything just keeps making me seem delusional.

And maybe I am.

The theory of congeniality tells me there is no point having a standing until it is challenged and you can fight for it.

But maybe some things shouldn't be fought for.

You are a small, tiny person, Sue-Anne. And the world is too messy and big. Get your head back on your shoulders where it belongs.

Days remaining (a): 4
Days remaining (b): 5
Days remaining (c): 5
Days remaining (d): 9
Days remaining (e): 9
Days remaining (f): 10

(a) Mass Media and Society exam
(b) Communication and Persuasion essay
(c) Communication and Persuasion presentation
(d) History of Old Media essay
(e) History of Old Media project
(f) Media Activism and Social Change essay