Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Feeling: Cool
Listening to: End by Endwell

Last night, I had 1,013 e-mails in my spam folder which I promptly emptied. That is a lot of spam.

But more importantly, today, I wake up to find an ant crawling around on the screen of my laptop. I try to brush it away only to learn it is actually inside my screen. I thought I was going crazy and tried various methods of removal (like chasing it with the cursor), but it seems to have left of its own accord, probably to become some kind of superant (because of all the crazy stuff that goes on inside computers) so as to torment me even more than normal ants do.

Which is only one reason why I have been finding ants particularly annoying lately. They're such assholes. I demand a ban of their existence!

And this was just after I'd discovered something good about them (They eat dead things like lizards). *Sighs. They seem to enjoy terrorising me with this inhumane way of giving me hope then abruptly taking it away. :[

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Feeling: Interesting
Listening to: We're So Far Away by Mae

I forgot to breathe out. *Exhales.

The night came down and swept us away, and the stars, they seemed to paint the most elaborate scene.

I don't know what it is about birthdays, but they affect me in such strange ways.

And now, I am older than I was 48 hours ago, but I don't feel any different. Maybe it's a good thing. :]

Ask me my age and see if I punch you.

It's so close, but we're so far away.

That was one hell of a deep breath.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Feeling: Pooped
Listening to: The Magnificent Seven by The Clash

I baked for five consecutive hours today. I didn't know it could be so tiring. But it's okay 'cause I'm cool.

Shiiiiiiiiiiit. *Takes a deep breath.

PS. Kgheweksdcfeahtwnsaasner, hehayetmuidfkeuuny bmyeserhaaattku dlaewencdganahenun kkfeherjuingnfhdtauheaannki kwheurplaaifdedawm aahnprdgeaeh.