Listening to: Get Your Riot Gear by Five Iron Frenzy
It took me a really, really, really, really, really, really long time (REALLY long), but I finally settled on question 8. :]
And that is basically everything I have accomplished today. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
I need to go grocery shopping. And I was thinking, since, you know, Tesco (whom I have learned, if I have learned anything at all throughout my first year at university, is evil) is 24 hours, I should go do that errand right now. To make full use of the place. Because it is the right thing to do.
But anyway, while I was away, I was possessed by a magical creature...
The snake slides under my skin, into my nails and out of my nose.
It travels within, I feel its scales and its body like a hose.
It bites sometimes, and the venom does burn but I am still like a stone.
As sour as limes, forever will it churn, itching my blood, flesh and bone.
Oh, snake, why can you not keep still, must you twist and turn like so?
But yes, it is your maker's will, for you have sinned, you have let go.
I want a hot chocolate.
Days remaining (a): 11
Days remaining (b): 29
Days remaining (c): 33
(a) Submit 2,500 word Media, Power, Society essay
(b) Introduction to Media Communication exam
(c) Representations exam