Thursday, 23 April 2009

Feeling: In pain
Listening to: Get Your Riot Gear by Five Iron Frenzy

It took me a really, really, really, really, really, really long time (REALLY long), but I finally settled on question 8. :]

And that is basically everything I have accomplished today. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

I need to go grocery shopping. And I was thinking, since, you know, Tesco (whom I have learned, if I have learned anything at all throughout my first year at university, is evil) is 24 hours, I should go do that errand right now. To make full use of the place. Because it is the right thing to do.

But anyway, while I was away, I was possessed by a magical creature...

The Snake
The snake slides under my skin, into my nails and out of my nose.
It travels within, I feel its scales and its body like a hose.
It bites sometimes, and the venom does burn but I am still like a stone.
As sour as limes, forever will it churn, itching my blood, flesh and bone.

Oh, snake, why can you not keep still, must you twist and turn like so?
But yes, it is your maker's will, for you have sinned, you have let go.

I want a hot chocolate.

Days remaining (a): 11
Days remaining (b): 29
Days remaining (c): 33

(a) Submit 2,500 word Media, Power, Society essay
(b) Introduction to Media Communication exam
(c) Representations exam

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Feeling: Annoyed
Listening to: Listening to Freddie Mercury (Acoustic) by Emery
  1. Citizen rights to freedom of speech are best protected by a market-based mass media. Discuss.
  2. In the preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy in 1859, Karl Marx wrote: "It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existance, but their social existance that determines their consciousness." How and to what extent do you think the concept of ideology can help us to understand media power today?
  3. What are the democratic implications of turning the news into a profit-generating commodity like any other in capitalist society? Answer with reference to Herman and Chomsky's Propaganda Model of mass communications.
  4. In what ways do you think the capitalist media is in crisis and what evidence exists to suggest otherwise?
  5. What do you think are the most useful theories to explain where power lies in the relationship between the media and their audiences and why?
  6. How can the news media be democratic when they are still primarily written by and for powerful white men? Discuss.
  7. Do contemporary representations of race in the UK news media invite audiences to view ethnic minorities as British citizens? Illustrate with examples from the news media.
  8. In what ways does social class impact on the ownership and contect of the media and with what consequences?
  9. Online news is slowly becoming more closely aligned with the "attractive wrapping" of commercial television, when... it needs to reaffirm a stronger commitment to the public service ethos of the investigative press and broadcaster. Discuss.
2,500 words. Less than twelve days. Help me choose! :O

It seems I have grown an immunity to self-discipline. For one thing, I keep finding myself lying in bed, sleeping through lectures and seminars, and then I realise I can't work with an internet connection. So, today, I unplugged the Firewire in order to concentrate on picking my goddamn topic, and yet, the wire has still managed to find it's way into the socket on my laptop and I have somehow ended up on Blogger. *Shakes head disapprovingly.

Now, back to staring into space before I do something stupid and waste even more unnecessary time on the internet. :]

Days remaining (a): 12
Days remaining (b): 30
Days remaining (c): 34

(a) Submit 2,500 word Media, Power, Society essay
(b) Introduction to Media Communication exam
(c) Representations exam

Monday, 13 April 2009

I am feeling particularly cautious after having the background image for Broken Smile disappear mysteriously. I expect to find a ransom note sometime soon, most likely requesting an insane amount of money that I will no doubt pay as a symbol of my love for the dear background image. In the mean time, I have only a copy of the background image. Broken Smile will never be the same without the original, but all I can ask, cruel captors, is that you treat that wonderful background image with love and care. Please do not hurt it. :'[

I shall speak to you soon, children. Don't wander around alone at night.

Days remaining (a) and (b): 7

(a) Submit 1,500 word Introduction to Media Communication essay
(a) Submit 500 word Media, Power, Society reading response

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Feeling: Rushed
Listening to: Scene by Envy

I jammed my fingers in the door yesterday, and now, I have a blue, itchy, hurting middle finger.

And my butt is in pain because of Waterworld. :[

Oh, yeah. I'm on holiday. :D

And I am a bitter, bitter person.

I once Googled "How to be happy" and one of the suggestions that came up told me that we make a choice every morning we awake. We either decide to smile and be happy or be horrible the whole day. Today, I choose to be horrible. :]

Sometimes it's easier than trying to do the opposite.

Although, this is most likely more than 50% due to my raging hormones and various aching body parts.

So, who's in the mood for cheese? :D

Days remaining (a) and (b): 15

(a) Submit 1,500 word Introduction to Media Communication essay
(a) Submit 500 word Media, Power, Society reading response