Monday, 19 January 2009

Feeling: Butterfly-in-my-stomach-y
Listening to: So Contagious by Acceptance

I have been listening to this song all day, and I feel great.

T-minus 49 minutes.

GAME FACE ON! >=D Rrrrrrrrrrrrr (That was the Game Face Grunt).

Friday, 16 January 2009

Feeling: Annoying
Listening to: Brand New Love by Deadsy

While doing things I wasn't supposed to be doing today, I finally came across this on Facebook:

Hahahahahahaha. I think there's a long/short story to this, depending on how you look at Azmin and his creativity, but the point is, I feel obliged to fulfill my duties and say, "If you aren't already a fan, let me invite you in for a friendly click." But I won't. ;]

Days remaining: 3
Feeling: Interesting
Listening to: Make A Run For It by Hit The Lights

Some days, I get this wonderful feeling that everything is going to be okay. But other days, I go back to being that curled up ball in the corner. And I guess, really, I have nothing to complain about.

Did I mention I hate the way life goes on without me? It makes me want to go back to Brunei so badly because I get the feeling I'm going to miss something really important. I want to be there, sharing every moment with them. And Kaiyisah's growing up too fast and saying words she couldn't say before. And that makes me sound selfish, but I never said I wasn't. It's a weird feeling because I've never felt this way about the other side, and right now, I realise how sad that is and how bad that makes me as a person.

I'm going to get water and put this tomato ketchup I stole back in the kitchen and then, I'm going to get into my bed and have trouble sleeping and dream those horrible dreams again. :]

Oh, how I miss you.

Days remaining: 3

Monday, 12 January 2009

I love my mummy and I miss her.

I have to sleep. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. *Dies.

Days remaining (a): 0
Days remaining (b): 2
Days remaining (c): 7

(a) Submit 2,000 word Media Scholarship Research Trail
(b) History of Mass Communication and Culture exam
(c) Introduction to Human Communication exam

Friday, 9 January 2009

Feeling: Bored
Listening to: Emergency by Paramore

Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, woo, wooooo!


Inside joke.

With myself.

Yes, "doing work" is really quite boring. Hence, the publishing of this pointless post (Alliteration! (Oh, man. There are so many times when I want to shout out random literary features but then I think it'll make me look like a loser so I don't)).

Which reminds me, because it is so related. I have somehow lost the countdown I had going. So, here it is, once again, by popular demand:
Days remaining (a): 3
Days remaining (b): 5
Days remaining (c): 10

(a) Submit 2,000 word Media Scholarship Research Trail
(b) History of Mass Communication and Culture exam
(c) Introduction to Human Communication exam

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Feeling: Ngah
Listening to: My Side Of Homicide by Endwell

Something funny happened at the train station today, hahahaha.

But anyway, I have to do work. It's so... Sad.

Monday, 5 January 2009

Feeling: Moosey

I have to wake up in about 5 hours, but who's counting? (Me!)

I don't think my room likes me very much anymore. But how could I say such terrible things?!
  1. I couldn't shower when I wanted to this morning (Okay, it was in the afternoon) because my shower drain has now decided to not suck any of the water in as quickly as would be convenient. This, inevitably, leads to the whole bathroom being flooded (even though my bathroom is tiny so it isn't really hard to do that). So, I had to use a mug to scoop the water from the ground and chuck it into the toilet bowl before I could cleanse myself of my dirty ways. It took me a while. :] But that isn't so bad, I guess. I mean, shower drains are bound to get clogged up eventually with all that gunk that gets caught in it, right?
  2. There's also the ceiling which leaks, conveniently, above the foot of the bed. It wets my bedsheets, mattress and whatever is unfortunate enough to be sitting underneath it at random intervals. I tried to block it by sellotaping tissue paper to the place of leakage, but sellotape doesn't stick very well to my ceiling. And then, I find that the whole ceiling is wet, so I don't really know where exactly it's coming from. But okay, ceilings leak. It happens.
  3. The drawer under my bed suddenly collapsed and so, now I can't push it in or pull it out properly and because of this, the two bottom drawers of my bedside table thing cannot be opened. That has, conveniently, prevented me from opening my underwear and sock drawer, so I have to think creatively (If you know what I mean). And I have no excuse for this one.
So, I guess you could say that's why I think my bedroom doesn't really like me anymore.

I can hear the water dripping from the ceiling as I type. *Sighs. Off to bed (sleeping bag) I go (I can feel myself falling asleep)!

But before I do, remember: Heaven is a place on earth (In my bellybutton :D).

(Yes, I have edited this in the little time it has been published online. Woohooo.)

Thursday, 1 January 2009

I suppose it's about time I wished you (not you) a Merry New Year! :D And my phrase for this year is: May this one be even cooler than 2008. It makes me sound positive and optimistic. Totally me, man.

How about we play a game? I dare you to be the best person you can be this year. I dare you all to be honest and loving and free, to cherish every moment you have alive, to realise how fragile and spontaneous the concept of existence is, and to see the beauty in things you wouldn't usually know how to appreciate. To just love, and in turn, live. You've probably heard this many times in many ways, but for this precise moment, I dare you to actually do it. Resist temptation to be horrible, and show me there is still room for hope in humanity.