Feeling: New
Listening to: Many Funerals by Eisley
Last year, I called the 14th of February Single Thursday and I looked in disgust at the soppy displays of romance and love and everything red and wonderful. 2009, however, is a new year, and I have but one message for only one person (or also for whoever wants it to be for them as well because you are lonely):
But aside from that, I feel like I owe you, the people of the internet, a more fulfilling and valuable contribution to the world. Something that will actually matter and perhaps bring us closer to beating the capitalist system we live in, eliminating the obvious inequality between people of different standards of living.
However, as I type this today, I get the feeling that we are not meant to do that. Men cannot change the world and Armageddon will inevitably come and in the morning, the grass will be green and the sky, blue. We will smile and think what a wonderful day it is, forgetting everything that seemed even remotely important the day before.
I once dreamed of changing the world. Now, it seems as if that concept is growing further and further away from possible by the minute. By the shovelful, we are digging this hole as big as we can and though there are times someone kicks the dirt back in, I don't know if I can do anything about it anymore.
I wish I had something nice to tell you. :] And, as it turns out, I do. So, I shall tell you the tale of the Leaf Outside My Window. What a lovely day!
Sally looked outside of her bedroom window and stared at the trees shivering in the cold. Autumn was here and it threatened to steal all of the leaves from their branches. Watching one of the few leaves still clinging onto life as it danced in the breeze, Sally thought about how sad it was that no matter how hard that leaf tried to stay on that branch, it would inevitably fall to the ground like so many had before it. As if that wasn't enough, she thought about how sad it was that all the leaves that once kept this tree warm and beautiful would simply be left on the ground, waiting to be trampled on by unsuspecting humans and then forgotten about as they rot on the ground, returning to the earth and completing the vicious cycle of life.
Hours merged into days and those days into months, Autumn had come and gone and now, it was Winter's turn. As the snow fell and began to cover everything in a beautiful, purifying, white blanket, Sally looked out of her window like she had so many days ago, and focusing on what seemed to be a naked branch, she spotted a leaf - a leaf that, despite the wind and the snow and the hail and the rain, had managed to stay with that branch and perhaps, make that tree feel a little bit less lonely than it would have. Sally smiled as she thought about how silly she had been to think that everything was destined for destruction and that the world was full of emptiness and too many things that come to an end. Sally thought about how wonderful it was that there was still hope in the world, and she knew that that was something to be happy about.
If you were wondering, Sally is indeed synonymous with me. :]
I think I just typed out a post that contradicts itself multiple times and that, coincidentally, symbolises myself today. Yay! Everything is circular (Hahahahahaha, oh, don't pretend you don't know what I mean).
I hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day, and if you didn't, don't worry too much. There is more to life than counting how many Valentine's Days you can stay single or friendless, or unappreciative of days with names (other than Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday), or so it seems. :]
(Today, I like the word, wonderful. It also took me an hour to type this. Sexy, isn't it?)