Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Feeling: Hungry
Listening to: Fight Song by The Appleseed Cast

I think I just needed to see Eleena 'cause now I feel better about this place and it doesn't seem so horrible. My hypothesis is that because I was dragged away from my comfort zone and dumped in a foreign land so suddenly (Though it wasn't the most sudden, it was indeed sudden), I had held in lots of bitterness and I just needed a bit of that comfort zone to make everything better. I should write a thesis on it. But anyway, because of her (Eleena), I don't enjoy microwavable dinners anymore (And it's what I've been relying on for two months). :[ Damn her and her ability to cook!

It hailed today. I first thought it was raining. Then, I thought it was just windy. Then, I looked out the window and thought it was hailing. Then, I Googled and thought it was sleeting. Now, I believe it was hailing, but I could be terribly wrong. Yes, it was a very complicated process.

So, if you couldn't take the hint, I have made my first solo train experience and survived, as well as ventured around Keele, Stoke-On-Trent, Newcastle and Alton Towers. I'd say that's quite an achievement. Go, me! :D

And now, I bid you adieu. But before I go, where are you, Azmin?

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Oh! And because we're on the topic (Haha, we are so not. :D), I decided to choose Communication as my additional subject because in the little caption describing our choices, it said it would come in handy (I can't think of the exact word. And it was a really cool word! :[) to students studying Media.

So, because I'm so cool and I know you're all just dying to know, here's what my timetable's like for this term:
11:10-13:00 | Media Scholarship | Biosciences 0.01
13:10-14:00 | Introduction to Human Communication | Psychology 1.05
16:10-17:00 | Media Scholarship | Biosciences 0.01

11:10-12:00 | Introduction to Human Communication | Law 0.22
15:10-16:00 | Media Scholarship seminar | Bute 1.26

11:10-13:00 | History of Mass Communication and Culture | Law 2.27

10:00-10:50 | History of Mass Communication and Culture seminar | Bute 1.26
15:10-16:00 | Introduction to Human Communication seminar | Optometry 1.08
The random underlined words at the end of each phrase in italics is the name of the building and the room number. The Journalism building doesn't have big enough lecture rooms so they like to move us around like robots. :D People seem to find it a bad thing, but the way I see it, I can pretend I'm a lawyer or a psychologist or an optometrist whenever I want to (You know me, always looking at the brighter side of things. I'm so optimistic. :D :D :D :D :D And smiley!).

I'm starting to cough up the yucky stuff. So, I better get my ass into bed now. *Snorts.

PS. Besides eBay, I think I'm also addicted to exclamation marks! I can't get enough of them! They just make every sentence seem so exciting!!!!!!!!!!

PPS. I forgot what I was going to say. Keep alert because I might remember and decide to update this little bit, but who knows? I'm unpredictable. Huhuhuhuuu. ;]
Feeling: Blaaaargh

Of all the things I could lose, I have now lost my voice. Thank you, Fresher's Flu, this is really a blessing.

I didn't think the next episode would be ready this soon (Please refer to previous post).


Click to know how my Media Scholarship presentation is going.


Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Feeling: Better

Now, I've lost a needle in my bed. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

What will be next? Stay tuned to find out what happens in the following episode of Things I Lose in My Room. Oooh. Suspense.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Feeling: Bubble-gummy
Listening to: Smile In Your Sleep by Silverstein

Nobody move. I believe have lost a piece of tuna somewhere in my room, and I think I'm only going to find it when it's all smelly and gross. You'd think 'cause my room's so tiny, it'd be really hard to lose stuff. And I guess that would be true if my room wasn't so messy. :D So, I shall sift through my belongings until I find something remotely similar to a piece of tuna. Awesome.

I also think I'm strangely addicted to eBay. Help!

Friday, 17 October 2008

Happy Spatula Day!
I owe you words.

Words that will soothe your soul and help you remember why you read my words in the first place.

Words that escape and find and love and hold.

Words that are there and yet fleeting.

Words that you know from the depths of what makes you who you are that you need them.

Words that I can't give to you just yet.

Words that will have to wait.

So, like... yeah.

Monday, 6 October 2008