Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Feeling: It's about time I went to bed
Listening to: Suffocating Under Words Of Sorrow by Bullet For My Valentine

Turns out Business class can be quite productive after all.

Sort of. :]

Weakness or Strength?
The fiery demon that eats your soul,
sends you spiraling,
makes you want to explode,
destroying yourself and everything else,
biting at your insides,
urging you to shout.
Ward off whoever tries to "help",
whoever pretends to care,
giving an absolutely appropriate cause
to slide that blade cross his throat,
to lodge that screwdriver into his head,
to pull that trigger with no regret,
leaving little room for guilt,
and no reason for remorse.
Or apologies.
But me?

I'm sorry.

You know how it is.

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Feeling: Really tired

I feel like running away and joining the circus.

Sometimes I wonder whether I hurt people. I'm sure I do/did, and I'm sorry; my eyes can't deal with this at the moment.

Who the hell knows if the truth exists or not anyway?

Cut off all loose ties and bleed for days. Who could stand veins with friends like these?

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Listening to: Tom Sawyer by Deadsy

Man. Johnny Depp is amazing. If I could meet any celebrated actor in the world, it would be him. He's so brilliant, it makes me sad.
Feeling: Enraged
Listening to: Somewhere Down In Fullerton by Allister

You fucking asshole. :]

Excuse the vulgarity.

Saturday, 26 January 2008

I know this is late, but I didn't want to be one of those hundred girls who posted on the 22nd of January all with the same message: Poor Heath. I hope you had a good life. So, I'm leaving my message to him now. Not that it really matters, 'cause it actually seems kind of silly to mourn over the death of someone you don't know, and it's not like he's going to read this, but I think I'm allowed the right to dream.

I'm sorry you had to go; you were a beautiful man and death is just something I've come to really abhor simply because it comes and takes away life just as suddenly as it was given to us.

Be free, Heath Ledger. 4th April 1979 to 22nd January 2008.


Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Feeling: Grumbly
Listening to: I'm Not Pretending by Red Lipstick Letter

I'm sleepy. Nooooooo.

Well, anyway, I plan on finishing my work before it bites me in the ass. Take that IB! *Whacks IB in the head with a frying pan.

Whoever keeps calling my house number in the middle of the night, please stop. It wakes people up and it disappoints them when you just hang up as soon as we answer. I mean, it's okay if you talk a little, but you don't, so I think it may just be annoying. Thank you. :]

I keep turning my aircon on and off 'cause it gets too cold, then it gets too hot. I wonder if doing this continuously will break it.

I "played" (if I can even use that word loosely) touch rugby after school today, then had a nice shower after being all sweaty, after which I did some work while simultaneously procrastinating. It felt good. ;D

I don't even know what this is about. Night.

Oh, and I don't usually do this, but Mr. Grenadey Mongoose, I hope your wings are still working, you 18-year-old, you.

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Feeling: Restless
Listening to: Anarchy Camp by NOFX


If you can't tell, I'm panicking.

Friday, 11 January 2008

Feeling: Frustrated
Listening to: Dirty and Left Out by The Almost

I don't necessarily want to see you crumble, but it looks like you're at that stage where no one but yourself can help you turn your life around and stop you from being a fucking prick; it's all up to you. Identify it, accept it's reality, and do something about it, 'cause it's driving me crazy seeing you slowly sink further and further into that black hole of no return. And I know, it driving my crazy is not a reason for you to take action, but hell, who's keeping track?

I want to care, but everything that has become (or has always been?) you is telling me to stop trying because you won't care and I'll just be throwing myself down a spiral of frustration.

Yet somehow, one of the voices in my head is telling me this will change nothing, and because you're just too blind to everything else happening around you that doesn't concern you directly (anymore?), you probably won't even know it's you I'm talking to.

And my brother is an asshole.

And yay for no electricity and today's exams being cancelled.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Feeling: Panicky
Listening to: Discovering The Waterfront by Silverstein

Greetings and salutations. I have a lovely plateful of important updates for every little boy and girl out there today.
  1. I had dinner at 4:30PM the other day. It was weird.
  2. Exploding lightbulbs are scary. Make sure you have a high standard of quality. It happened just now, actually. There was a loud "bang" and then the sound of glass shattering as it hits the ground. And now some of the light switches don't work and I swear it wasn't my fault. :]
  3. I was watching TV and the video for Tokio Hotel's Ready, Set, Go! was playing, and I thought, hey, they seem pretty cool, I'll download them, and that gives me a new band with female vocals. So, I got a few of their songs, and was giggling to myself, saying how the vocals were so cute and similar to Flee The Seen's, as in it sounds like a little boy singing. I looked them up on trusty Wikipedia, and I thought it was weird there weren't any female names listed under the 'members', but I kept looking anyway. And there on the page was "Bill Kaulitz - lead vocals (b. 1 September 1989)" Hahahahahahaha. She's a guy (and I did an image search to confirm this, too, because I was in denial for a while). I feel really bad and kind of stupid, but I mean, he's pretty. And he sounds like a girl. Hahah.
But moving on, the world is in danger, flee your homes immediately and save your loved ones before they save themselves and realise they don't need you as much as they thought they did.

Oh, yeah. I'm supposed to be studying.

Stay tuned for more lovely platefuls of important updates.

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Feeling: Tired
Listening to: Down And Out by The Academy Is...

Guess what?! Mock exams tomorrow! Wooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooo.

But, yes, I did change the layout. I'm glad you noticed. Hahaha, oh, stop it; it's nothing. In fact, I was going for that simple look. You're right, you're right; I liee, hahaha. I was just lazy. Oh, you're so funnyyy. *Giggles.

Haahh. Ever want to just stop how you're living and do something completely different because everything happening now is getting on your nerves and making you twitch? Me neither. Heh. Heh. Hehh. Honest. *Nods.

Why is the truth so hard to find?

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Feeling: Runny nosey
Listening to: Stab My Back by The All-American Rejects

Well, that was stupid.

I didn't want to get home too late 'cause I knew I had some studying to do, so I came home at two in the afternoon. But when I got home, I spent the next three hours sleeping, which wasn't very useful; it was actually kind of very stupid. Hahahaa. I actually like having plans. I just never follow them. To me, they're more like references; something I can pretend I'm doing and perhaps to remind me of how things could have gone, had I been obedient enough.

Hehehe. Further Seems Forever's cover of N'Sync's Bye Bye Bye was just playing, and it's very cute. I love his voice.

Oh, yeah. Merry 2008; let's hope for the best. I'll say something meaningful next time.