Tuesday, 18 January 2005

Feeling: Pissed off
Listening to: Beware! Criminal by Incubus

Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuuuck.

No time to censor, sorry. Blogspot/Blogger's being an ass. Thank you.

I've 3 peices of... 'work' for you. Starting now.


Shielded by a curtain of darkness,
She waits for you to return.
Holding in her hands a rose,
The token of your ‘love’.
The memory flashes back
Of the time you vowed your everlasting ‘admiration’.
You hold her close so she can feel your heartbeat,
And you place a gentle kiss on her lips.
Her lips are perfect and lush.
You love the way she looks.
So you whisper in her ear she’s beautiful.
And you love her more than anything.
But she couldn’t tell you were such a good liar.
If she had known, she wouldn’t have let you kiss her.
And that’s why you lie.
Memory comes back to the present
And she checks her reflection one last time
For once, she notices the imperfect smudge of blood red lipstick
Across her dried and cracked lips.
She tastes something familiar. Is it really crimson blood?
She’s tasted it before. But where?
She stands still for a moment.
And feels the blood flow through her lifeless veins.
Pumping from her heart,
It’s so strong, she almost collapses.
You see her, and turn away,
You pretend you couldn’t notice.
She still waits for you.
But look at her… Is she beautiful?
You told her she was beautiful.
And she believed you.


His cracked lips threaten to break off his pretty face
If he tries to force another smile again.
But he doesn’t care, he smiles anyway.
Since it’s the only way she’ll believe he’s okay.
But really, he’s not. He’s never actually been okay.
His lips crack even more and a layer of skin breaks free.
It drifts off carelessly into the boisterous wind
And he remembers why he’s torturing himself so much.
He knows a secret.
But then again, everyone has secrets.

Suddenly, she realizes he’s not looking in her eyes like he used to.
Like a flash of lightning that abruptly realizes it’s raining,
And it has to cut across the sky.
No, he’s not saying “I love you” like he used to,
He’s not even smiling like he used to.
Something’s changed.
Maybe it’s the way his lips crack when he smiles.
The way his eyes look more beady than usual.
And the way his lips curl when he says, well, anything.
Yes, something has definitely changed.
For she knows a secret.
But you know, everyone has secrets.

Dusted Stars

The clouds crushed all the stars
the day you fell to earth.
Their dust was carried in the winds,
they lost their sense of worth.

The other angels waved good bye
as they saw their dear one leave.
As tears of sorrow cut their cheeks,
you made each angel grieve.

But you smiled nonetheless,
said with pride that all was well.
Grabbing all you could,
As you tumbled down and fell.

Your hands lost a certain warmth,
Your smile a kind of glow.
You said to the angels you were fine,
But who was smart enough to know.

As soon as you roughly landed,
Along with your feathered wings.
You saw the crying children,
You heard the war drums sing.

You saw from every corner,
One after another house burn down.
And mothers reaching out for babies
Who's lungs were filled to drown.

Lovers were torn apart
And family, all were killed.
But this was the world you'd come to,
This was your dream need be fulfilled.

You didn't shed a single tear,
No, you locked it all inside.
And as they saw you approach,
Trembling, they stretched their arms out wide.

You didn't run to their open arms,
You turned your cheek instead.
Shun off all the weaklings,
And simply shook your head.

That was when I saw you,
With your halo left out to burn.
I saw the delicate angel,
And my soul began to churn.

"Who is this stranger,
Blindly walking towards the stream?"
You disappeared, and I realized
It was all just a dream.

The last one, Dusted Stars, hasn't been officially named. So shut up if you don't think it's appropriate. It's just a 2-second think up.

I don't think I got the chance to tell you my PMB results. I won't tell you anything else except that I got the 5A1's I wanted. Wahoo.

Short sentences/paragraphs rock.

I watched Saved! just now, after coming home from school. The movie is unjudgeable. I don't know what to say about it. It could be bad, it could be good. I don't know. I only watched it because I heard it sucked. Maybe it did. I was only paying attention to how arrogant it was making 'Born Again' Christains look. It made it seem like Christians are trying to be good people, but in the end, they're throwing the bible and using it as a weapon(I mean this literally, the girl threw the bible). And, they make it look like if you've done something seemingly wrong, you're the stupid one, you need to be sent away because they're too perfect to deal with little cunts like you. But what do I care?

Enough of the angering movie. During AG(Accounts/Geography) period, I dragged Far into the room where we're having our Chinese classes. It was empty, so we switched on all the fans and lights and sat there doing out A.Maths homework. Maybe not as I said it. Whatever. I didn't do any of my work though. I did the same thing I'd been trying to do at home. The wrong working. So, I was sitting there, making duck noises and listening to the sounds bounce off the walls in echos.

My brother's resit BM Paper I exam was today. He's lucky, you could say. The only essay he knew came out. Cool.

Oh yeah, whenever someone asks you "Why?" you can always answer with a "Why not?" because, well, the answer's not wrong. Might not be correct, but it's not wrong.

Does $60 seem like much to you? Maybe. But $100 would be more, right? So... what if you lost $60? Would it matter? Jas found $60 in the carpark just now. I heard her screaming "Sue-Anne! Sue-Anne!" and she came tumbling UP the stairs, whispered "I found $60" and told us(I and Far) that she'd decided to split it with us. Hahaha. So, that's why I asked. And, cause, what if the money was someone's only way of eating dinner, or something. Woopdoo.

I miss Prince. I didn't realize how much fun I had on Sunday until it was Monday already. I went out with him and his friends on Sunday, by the way. He went crazy after I said "jubur". It was funny. :) Not me saying "jubur" but him going crazy. Nah, he wasn't crazy. He was high. Woof.

Always by Bon Jovi is stuck in my head right now. Gotta get it out.

Love from,

Monday, 10 January 2005

Feeling: Simply exhausted

Howdy ho~! People have been transferring in and out of my class, and frankly, some of their transferations were kind of strange. There are 4 classes, okay? A, B, C and D. A & B are both pure science classes. But C is a geography class and D is an art class. We had people from A moving into ours, which is B, but I don't know why since it's the same. And my class is getting so fucking crowded already for that tiny room they call a classroom. Eep. Now Far's in my class. Woohee. I have someone to eat lunch with. By the way, my classes last from 7:15AM to 2:40PM, excluding the 2 breaks, every-fucking-day. School day, that is.

Bah. I'm hungry. I don't know what to write about. I've got pictures of when I was in NZ. I'll have to scan them and post 'em next time. I keep planning and procrastinating. But that's just me. :) Can't be bothered typing a long ass entry today, so I'll stop. Shizam.

Wednesday, 5 January 2005

Feeling: Sleepy
Listening to: Cold Hard Bitch by Jet

Band of the moment is Guano Apes. Yep, since I got their Don't Give Me Names album(which I had never heard before), it's been on repeat. Just who are the Guano Apes? They're a German band, the lyrics aren't always appropriate, but I like them anyway. BUT! They're quitting. So, no new songs, no more tours, no more nothing, until they say something. But until then, there'll be nothing new from them, which is bad news for me cause I only got into them last year. Bummer.

Anyway, my uncle finally bought my brother the XBox he asked for, even though he didn't do 'so' good in his PSR. Hehe. So, yeah, he's on it 24/7, especially since he hasn't been going to school because they were supposed to call him about it. Meh. Ooh yeah, and my grandmother is staying at the house until the 31st(?)... It hasn't been the greatest of times. Now and then, I get embarrassed with the fact that my 'family' is so weird. They always need to place blame. I don't think that's a good thing.

I have news(amazing, isn't it?)! I haven't even really started my classes yet, but already I'm interested in Biology. Though I don't always understand the teacher's English(it sounds like his words were sewn together), he got me realizing sometimes it's good to know why. He makes me wonder. Haha. He asked us why people get bald on top of the head only, and not the sides. It was the first time I'd ever wondered about that, so it got me thinking. Anyway, the reason is(and remember, I don't always understand his English) because when you sleep you massage the sides of your head, and not the top(duh), so the sides have blood flow but the top doesn't. I guess he's saying if you massage the top of your head you'll have a less chance of getting bald. Haha.

God, I'm so tired. So sleeeeepy. Think I'm still following NZ time? I don't know. It's been going on for ages. Hmm. I think I better get going then. I need me sleep. By the way, I'm in a pure science class. Not because I chose to be, or my mother/parents, but because the school put me there. I'm so weird. Hyuk. Also, I don't think I'm going to like Add Maths. Aaaaaargh.